The Calling

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rodzaje i koszty wysyłki

The Calling

ISBN: 9780141314839

Autor: Tiernan

Morgan, Hunter and other members of their coven go to New York for a few days in search of the Amyranth witches. Hunter, a Seeker for the Council, is looking for Killian, a young witch in danger. It seems that Ciaran, Killians father, is looking for him and intending to wipe his magic. After many false leads and strange meetings, it becomes clear that Ciaran is actually seaching for Morgan, wanting to take her power. He is not in the end able to do this as he suddenly realises that Morgan is his own child. Morgan is horrified to be the child of someone she considers evil. The book ends as she breaks up with Hunter because she believes she has inherited her fathers evil and will damage those close to her.

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