Bluegrass baby

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Bluegrass baby

ISBN: 065373500045

Autor: Duarte

Milla Johnson had enough to worry about in her life - she had her bitter mother, her orphaned cousin, and her fledgling career as a midwife about to be rocked by an unjust lawsuit. So when the opportunity for romance with Dr. Kyle Bingham, the most handsome available doctor at the hospital, presented itself, Milla wasn exactly looking for a steady relationship. If Kyle was anything like his famous playboy daddy, Milla wouldn need to worry about commitment, anyway. After one romantic night together, Milla was determined to push him away - until she discovered that she was pregnant with Kyles baby.

Dr. Kyle Bingham knew what it was like to grow up without a father - his own father had always financially supported him, but had never shown a personal interest in his life. Now that Kyles all grown up, hes following in his fathers steps when the ladies are concerned. That is until he meets Milla. Theres just something different about Milla, and he wants to get closer to her, except she kept pushing him away. Kyle knew that Milla deserved a faithful husband and a dedicated father to their child - but could Kyle be that man?

For those who like medical romance, this is a great book to read, since a lot of it takes place in Merlyn County Hospital. Its also great if you like books where the hero and heroine come from two different social spheres. I enjoyed this book and read it in one sitting. Millas character is great - I love how she is so dedicated to caring for the baby shes going to have, and also the way she tries to be her orphaned cousins mother-figure. Dylan, her cousin, is completely adorable and loveable. I didn care for Kyles character too much, since he spent most of the book trying to justify his womanizing ways, but he redeemed himself in my eyes eventually! Theres also plenty room for sequels, so thats something I like. This ones a keeper.

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